PPE - Personal Protective Equipment

Working closely with Medical consultants we have sourced an enviable supply chain to bring you quality protective products without the inflated prices. Please call us on 0330 1134314 for your next order. If its not listed we have the knowledge and expertise to source the product for you. Be haPPE - we have you protected. 
TEXT or CALL  your enquiry to 07577 987663 / 07402 198528  / 07855 314296

Working closely with Medical consultants we have sourced an enviable supply chain to bring you quality protective products without the inflated prices. Please call us on 0330 1134314 for your next order. If its not listed we have the knowledge and expertise to source the product for you. Be haPPE - we have you protected. TEXT or CALL your enquiry to 07577 987663 / 07402 198528 / 07855 314296


We were formed after realising that the hospitality sector was awash with non-skilled workers and, for the most part, satisfied with providing ordinary service. We seek to provide world class hospitality staffing fit for everything ranging from luxury soirees to major sporting events.

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Business Consultancy

With our expertise and knowledge we can help you buy the best and the safest products to keep you, your customers and your business safe. T:0330 1134314  more